Saturday, August 22, 2009

Berlin: Burgers, Bad Weather, Becks & Beats...

Met up with Christine (Sherlock's friend) for burgers and chips. Now that was a tasty burger - tasted like a Whopper should taste. Chips with mayo and spicy tomato ketchup rule. My fingerstache still amuses people. WIN. Weather turned sour and it starts to piss down. I have my new Jeremy Scotts on. Why do I always manage to wear new sneaks out for the first time at the most inappropriate moments? We decide to call it a night because of the rain. Damn you Berlin weather!
It stopped raining. But it's cold. To stay in or go out, that is the question. Maybe that's a rhetorical question cos the answer is obvious. Go out - you're in Berlin! Made my way to Icon. It's in the middle of no where. At least now I know exactly where it is for Rusko next Thursday. Bought 2 bottles of Becks at the supermarket for 1.50 EUR. That's less than $3! No wonder I keep drinking beer - it costs less than Coca-Cola. It's ridiculous I feel compelled to drink it irresponsibly because it's so cheap. Chatted to some Poms outside the club who thought I was weird cos they'd never heard of the different genres of electonric music I like. According to them, only 3 genres exist - house, electro and techno. WTF? Dumbasses.
Suddenly there was a huge lineup outside the club right on 11.30pm opening time. I better get in line. Waited, showed I.D. and paid a nasty cover charge of 15 EUR. All in all it's a pretty small club, but they do specialise in Drum'n'Bass, dubstep, 2 Step and various sub genres and crossovers. Booze was way exy. Heaps of hot German dudes. Redbull, Redbull, Redbull. Met a guy from California who designs sunglasses for Paul Frank. Talked shit to Germans for hours. Mad funny.
I think they really like Flock of Seagulls here, cos everyone dresses like them. I lost count of the number of half shaved heads, fringes covering eyes, sunglasses at night and oversize sports jackets. Not to mention pointy toed shoes, zebra striped jeans and gold chains.
Aoki was alright - wasn't really impressed with track selection. But then again I talked a lot of shit to ze Germans, so I probably wasn't really paying much attention. Ruined my beautiful map with sweat from dancing. Left after Aoki finished, caught the U Bahn home. Am amazed it was still running at 4am.

I love Berlin.

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